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Writer: CA MichaelsCA Michaels

It's a wet soggy start to May here in Michigan lol. This spring has been so messed up. We've only had about maybe 5 days of warm weather lol. Hope it's warm and sunny by you!

The news. You can now Pre-Order Renegade Love for Ebook through Amazon and the paperback through here for $6.99 each. But the paperback will be printed from luludotcom, I'm thinking. The Pre-Order will be ready June 9, 2022! I've been rewriting this book since February 26th. I'm attempting to make it my first Romance Suspense novel at just over 70k words. I have 8600 words to go! What is it about? Here is the blurb and cover!

Starling Police Department K9 Sergeant, Charlotte Rinning’s life just keeps getting more complicated. While a series of murders begin to take place in the city she’s sworn to protect, the victims turn out to be people she knows, and she wonders if she’s next. As the case continues, past family secrets begin to crack the rock-solid relationships she has with her husband and family. Char has to fight through the newfound drama unfolding within, before those secrets destroy everything, she holds dear.


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