All right DR Nation!
Want free stuff for the new year? Specifically free books? Here's how to get the runaway hit the Awakening Series by me, CA Michaels for free!!!
We so need to get the ball rolling on Rising Dawn Preorder sales and rankings!!! SO, this is the plan! The person who, by the end of this weekend brings me the most confirmed orders of Rising Dawn, due out January 30, 2025, will WIN all this... All 4 copies of the Awakening series so far, all signed and mailed directly to you, along with a black dawn bookmark, a copy of Dawn's badge printed, along with a beaded Lynyrd and a crime scene Lynard and other goodies. Each book will also come with its own bookmark! You will also get a one-of-a-kind special edition CD, that's right a CD (Compact Disk) or a flash drive, your choice, full of artwork from all of the concept art I've created for the series! Plus, Black Dawn is in a rare hard cover format! A $15 value alone! All this from me! So, let's get on it and get some orders going!!! Link below Let's make the Awakening series and this 4th installment #1!
Support your favorite wild woman and grab your preorder of this incredible dark, crime, thriller TODAY!!